Category Archives: sinners

Jesus and Condemnation

Do you often feel condemned by Christians and the church? Is it difficult to see love beyond all the judgment, arrogance, and hostility from the people who are supposed to represent Jesus to others? Let us re-visit a familiar example … Continue reading

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Posted in Jesus, Pharisees, sinners | 9 Comments

Jesus, John the Baptist, and Judgment

Does Jesus bring judgment on unrighteous sinners? Is his purpose to confront us with our sinfulness, threaten us, and put us on the straight and narrow?  I used to think so. John the Baptist Preaches Matthew chapter three begins, In … Continue reading

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Posted in Jesus, sinners | 11 Comments

What Does Jesus Think of Sinners Today?

The picture of Jesus in the Gospels indicates that he was harsh with religious believers who looked down on the common people, whom they called sinners. In fact, Jesus loved ‘sinners’ and spent much of his time and energy with … Continue reading

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Posted in Pharisees, sinners, the invitation | 21 Comments

Why is Jesus so Harsh and Judgmental?

In the New Testament, does Jesus seem harsh and judgmental to you? Many think so. On this blog, I maintain that Jesus’ attitude toward us is loving, accepting, and inclusive. Then why do passages in the Gospels seem to portray … Continue reading

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Posted in Jesus, Pharisees, sinners, the invitation | 8 Comments