Regarding Yesterday’s Mystery Post

Hey guys!

Yesterday you might have received notification of a new Jesus without Baggage post called ‘What is Sin but Pain and Alienation?’ This post is actually scheduled for next month, but I made a mistake and it posted for a date earlier this year.

I apologize for the confusion. The post will reappear at its intended time in January. In the meantime, I hope all of you are having a happy Christmas season!

Have a great day! ~Tim

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6 Responses to Regarding Yesterday’s Mystery Post

  1. sheila0405 says:

    The title is intriguing. Can’t wait! Try to stay sane during the holidays. It can be intense.


  2. Karen says:

    I got all excited as I was just about to write a post on Sin and Salvation on my own blog in response to a readers question. Can’t wait to read your post next month. Merry Christmas.


    • jesuswithoutbaggage says:

      Karen, I am sorry to get you excited over nothing (yet), but January begins an entire series on sin and salvation; I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. Let me know when you have posted your article on the topic and will you be posting it to Misfits?


      • Karen says:

        Thanks Tim, I have posted my article (which you have since commented on). It was hard writing one article on the topic and I think a series approach is a good idea. I’ve already has some challenging questions…I think I need a glass of wine before answering them đŸ™‚


        • jesuswithoutbaggage says:

          Yes, I saw it when it came up on Misfits.

          It was a very good article and I predict you will do well on your new blog. I started using series’ early on because so many topics need more attention than a single post can provide.


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