Wondering Whether You are being Persecuted this Christmas Season?

Last year during the Christmas season, I shared a simple chart on determining whether we are being persecuted over Christmas. I found it on Rachel Held Evans’ blog.

I think a repeat is appropriate.

persecution chart

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4 Responses to Wondering Whether You are being Persecuted this Christmas Season?

  1. michaeleeast says:

    Most Christians would not be persecuted in the west.
    Most Christians in the west persecute gays and lesbians.


  2. Oh I love that! The real irony is that many Cristians are actually the persecut-ors and not the persecut-ed….. And they mistake resistance to their persecution as persecution.


    • jesuswithoutbaggage says:

      Michael and Eric, I agree with both of you. Christians in America often complain of persecution when, in fact, they are the persecutors.


  3. Chas says:

    Seems to me that there are many people being persecuted in the world at present: those who are being driven from their homes and lands by men with guns, those whose animals (which are their livelihood) are being stolen or killed by those same men with guns. Most, though by no means all, of these men are not Christians.


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